Healthcare IT

Healthcare IT

Healthcare IT

A new competitive landscape is emerging in Pharma & life sciences sector as demographic shifts, mounting cost pressures, advancing digitization, emerging scientific breakthroughs, and powerful new competitors are reshaping the sector. Successful life-science organizations will look very different in the future than they do today. They likely will be smaller; more specialized, automated, digital, and agile in their operations; more sophisticated in their commercial approaches; and more integrated with providers, partners, and consumers.
The leadership skills needed with Pharma & life sciences organizations to shape and lead these organizations will also be quite different. Progressive CEOs and Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) are investing in leadership development, focusing on the skills they will need to remake the business.
Availability of a relatively small talent pool that has specific domain knowledge further increases the complexity. It is becoming incredibly difficult to find and successfully hire qualified talent with the desired skills, experience and personal attributes.

In the healthcare industry, the organizations are being buffeted by constant market shifts. New socioeconomic realities, healthcare reform legislation and accelerating scientific breakthroughs are building up to a radical change. These changes have tremendous implications, not only for industry but also for the current workforce and future talent. Healthcare companies need to design new roles and rethink their talent strategies, including the ways they recruit, train, motivate and retain the best teams.
At Vistara Informatics, our deep domain expertise and global reach, helps us understand the unique requirements of a talent search in this industry. We also have the necessary reach to find the right candidate across geographies. Our approach of intensive client partnering ensures that we are never out of sync with our clients.
We’ve done some extensive work in this industry. For example, in one of our recent assignments, Vistara Informatics ran a global search process and mapped senior Commercial leaders across 120 companies globally from Genomics and Biotech industry. The result was the President of a Genomic company joining our client organisation as a Chief Commercial Officer.
Within Pharma, Healthcare and Life Sciences sector (PHL), there are several sub-sectors; each of which requires unique skillsets that are not necessarily transferable between sub-sectors.


pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical drugs encompass a variety of medicines used to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure disease.


The integration of natural sciences and engineering sciences in order to achieve the application of organisms, cells, parts thereof for products.

Life Sciences

we see it as science involving cells and their components, products and processes. Biology, medicine and agriculture are the examples of life sciences.


Genomics researchers analyze enormous amounts of DNA-sequence data to find variations that affect health, disease or drug response

Devices & Diagostics

Devices used to identify the nature or cause of a certain phenomenon, usually related to a medical condition.

Speciality Chemicals

Consequently, in addition to "effect" chemicals they are sometimes referred to as "performance" chemicals or "formulation" chemicals.