Legacy Application Modernization

Legacy Application Modernization

Legacy system modernization is a continuous process that enables organizations to become more agile, efficient, resilient, and future-ready. Vistara Informatics’s application modernization services help you achieve agility, reduce unnecessary operational costs, scale effortlessly, and deliver an exceptional user experience.

Why Modernize Legacy Systems?

Modernizing your legacy application isn’t just moving your system to the new IT environment. Our end-to-end modernization capabilities and use of the right legacy modernization approach ensure security, scalability, reliability, agility, and efficiency improvements. Our tailored policies and best practices provide quality outcomes and help enterprises become digital-ready to face the challenges of new IT.

Improved Performance

With modernization, the IT backbone of the business becomes more scalable, flexible, and easier to maintain. By using the latest tools and technologies, organizations can drastically improve performance such as faster load time, increased speed of services, best user experience, no downtime, and the ability to manage a higher workload.

Reduced Cost

Obsolete tools/platforms are one of the biggest barriers to digital transformation. Using old/outdated technologies increases the risk of downtime and maintenance costs. The skills required to maintain the system will be no longer available in the market. The cost of maintenance is comparatively high than the modern infrastructure. Optimized cost is one of the noteworthy benefits of the modernization process.

Secure Environment

Old systems are more prone to risks and vulnerabilities. By deploying the latest infrastructure, organizations can better manage security provisions and reduce the risk of attacks and data fraud. Organizations have started giving attention to data compliance and regulatory standards to win the trust of their customers. Modernization helps them to meet compliance needs and ensure their customers for the best security controls in place.

Become Agile

With the use of Artificial Intelligence, automation, cloud, and approaches like DevOps, organizations must deploy tools for continuous development and delivery. DevOps is the need of the hour to fulfill customers’ needs in a faster, more reliable, and secure way. Developers are less likely to meet the needs if they stick to old systems and tools to deliver software faster and update more frequently.