


As per the Data Science Skills study, the favorite language of data scientists is Python. The reason behind this growing popularity is that Python includes vast programming communities across the globe. With several libraries available, data scientists find it much easier to explore a huge amount of available data. Some of the most popular libraries in Python are Panda, Numpy, Sklearn, and MatPlotLib.
According to Analytics India Magazine, Python will dominate the market and continue to be the top choice among data analysts and data scientists. This is reflected in the hiring market with 17% jobs listing Python as a core capability.
Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language used for web development. This open-source, powerful and object-oriented programming language uses a simple syntax that improves its readability. Python requires fewer codes that speed up the development process.

Reasons for choosing Python for business applications
1. Highly Productive: Python is highly considered while creating complex multi-protocol network apps. It has
o object-oriented designs
o improved process control capabilities
o better integration as well as text processing capabilities
o Own testing framework
All these features lead to increased productivity and development speed.
2. Open-source language: Python is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, making it freely usable and distributable. The source code is freely available to the public so that you can download it, change it, and distribute it.
3. Portable: The code in Python is portable, hence there is no need to change the code for different platforms. That single code can be run on many platforms.

Web design Development

Python has a standard library of Internet protocols that includes HTML & XML, JSON, IMAP, email processing, programmer-friendly socket interfaces, Requests, twisted python etc.

Desktop GUI’s

It is easy to design creative UIs with the help of a standard GUI library called ‘Tk’. Almost all the binary distributions of python get crafted with Tk.Some of the other beneficial toolkits are wx Widgets, Kivy win32 extensions.

Numeric and Scientific Apps

Python is highly growing in scientific and numerical computing.Some popular packages are Spicy, Pandas, Ipython, Numpy. are data structuring and modeling library.

Machine Learning

Python is highly preferred by engineers, analysts and scientists to run machine learning algorithms. It involves text processing, natural language processing, image processing, and data science.

Business Applications

Python is used in developing high-quality Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and eCommerce systems.

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